Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Homemade pasta in 5 minutes

Here is how you can make delicious pasta in just 5 minutes.

All you need is:
  • 100g flour
  • 1 extra-large egg
  • a food processor
  • a rolling pin
  • a clean surface

Step 1/4: Mix

First, put the 100g (7/8 cup) flour in the food processor and blend for 2 seconds. Then, add the egg and blend for another 10-20 seconds. If you have a smaller egg, use less flour (about 80g or 3/4 cup) or add an extra yolk. The dough should be yellow and somewhat moist. We used the knife blade in the food processor.

Step 2/4: Roll  

Spread a handful of flour on a clean surface, form the dough into a ball in your hands, and roll it out using a rolling pin. 

Repeatedly roll, rotate, roll, turn, roll, until it is thin like this:

Step 3/4: Cut

Then cut the dough in pieces. One cutting method, if you want long pasta, is to add flour on the rolled-out dough, then fold it over once or twice, then cut.

Step 4/4: Boil

Now boil in water for 1-2 minutes, to reach the desired softness. Done!

We got the recipe from this YouTube video below. The difference is that you don't need a pasta machine. A good old-fashioned rolling pin is just as good! 

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